Recent Articles

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What is JP morgan up to in 2019

Feb 15, 2019 by Author Business

In the recent we have seen a great interest in the world of Blockchain the tecnology behind the Bitcoin network. In a recent article by Daniel Palmer he describe a little of what the giant bank in US is doiing behind doors. here ...

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What are the 3 conflits that will shape Blockchain Tech in 2019

Dec 26, 2018 by Author Business

In the recent article by Arwen Smit is the founder of MintBit, a boutique blockchain consultancy, and DOVU, a tokenized startup for the mobility sector. The author descripes what are the most likel 3 conflicts that will shape tech in 2019 check out the article here ...

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In the rush to secure a place in the blockchain technology Bank of America Files for Blockchain "ATM as a service" Patent

Dec 26, 2018 by Author Business

If there is a time to rush the time is now and Bank of America is making sure that they have the tools to continuing its precense for many years to come. the article by Yogita Khatri in the light of a filling of an application from Bank of America states that "may be eyeing shared networks of ATMs powered by blockchain tech, according to a newly revealed patent application." check more here ...

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Crypto is becoming the most important subject of all times and now we have aAsset-Backed Securities

Dec 27, 2018 by Author Business

The buzz is growing along with everything that come packed with Blockchain Techonogy, an recent article by Charlie Moore is the CEO of Global Debt Registry, a fintech startup seeking to transform structured credit using blockchain technology. Charlie gives a review in which gives you a lot of information and valuable Content check more out here ...

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The crypto world are getting more and more attention, what people have to say...

Dec 31, 2018 by Author Business

The crypto is much more than we think and are becoming the most talked subject and there are a lot more to reveal in the new year to comne The interview with Caroline Hyde (Bloomberg News) Joe Weisenthal (Bloomberg News) Michael McKee (Bloomberg News) Mike McGlone (Bloomberg Intelligence) Ryan Selkis (Co-Founder and CEO, Messari) touch few things. Check out here ...

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To help understand where all started here is a good read

Dec 31, 2018 by Author Business

It has been a while since the introduction of bitcoin, and really now is starting to take a wave of awareness. But how can we understand bit better about this tech that pretty much everyone is talking and getting invoved with . Check out here ...

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Have you heard about the the Blockchain Island, if you not here is what you should know.

Dec 31, 2018 by Author Business

We are embarking in a journey with Crypto, and the blockchain with the power to keep private many fields of our lives, so in order to increase awareness and be in the change we must devour all information we can. Check out here ...

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